Turning Pain Into Purpose

Your JOURNALriffic Statement of Purpose

I will write in my journal daily because I am (R)eady to grow (I)n spite of insecurity (F)rustration and (F)ear, with an (I)ntention to strengthen myself in THIS generation. (C) ourageously and consistently I pursue my Quest. My Quest is to glean wisdom from the past, live mindfully in the present and prepare confidently for the future. As I strengthen myself, I strengthen my entire FAMILY TREE for generations to come through the power of my positive influence. Learn more about JOURNALriffic at http://www.familytreequest.com/what_is_journalriffic

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I’m glad you’ve chosen to take daily steps toward becoming a happier, healthier, more positive YOU!

This week, we are working toward strengthening
the principle or quality of COMPASSION.

To use detailed steps from the JOURNALriffic Method (The 4 Steps to Discovery), follow the Daily Journal Jog promts which are found at http://familytreequest.com/journalriffic_jogs . Write the principle of the week from this JOURNALriffic Blog into the prompts found there. If you know of another principle that would be more helpful to you right now, feel free to choose that instead. A list of helpful principles can be found at http://familytreequest.com/principles .

1. noun
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

To begin brainstorming about this principle, I have provided some words that are similar and then some words that are opposite. These were found on

Words with the same or similar meanings (synonyms):
commiseration, mercy, tenderness, heart, clemency.

Words with the opposite meanings (antonyms):
mercilessness, indifference

compassion. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved February 21, 2010, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/compassion

Here are some great quotes about compassion.

"Compassion is not religious business, it is human business; it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability; it is essential for human survival." --Dalai Lama

The dew of compassion is a tear. –Lord Byron

Needed are eyes to see the pitiable plight, ears to hear the silent pleadings of a broken heart; yes, and a soul filled with compassion. . .
--Thomas S. Monson

Remember to See www.familytreequest.com for detailed weekly journal prompt explanation using JOURNALriffic’s 4 steps to Discovery.

To review JOURNALriffic and the JOURNALriffic Method visit

Follow Family Tree Gal on Twitter or Facebook where you will find occasional quotes
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Disclaimer: Please remember that information contained here is provided as an informational resource only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care.
Disclosure of Shareholder Relationship: I am the owner of www.familytreequest.com which has been referred to in this blog post. I also publish www.journalriffic.blogspot.com www.familytreegal.blogspot.com and www.familytreequest.wordpress.com . I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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