Turning Pain Into Purpose

Your JOURNALriffic Statement of Purpose

I will write in my journal daily because I am (R)eady to grow (I)n spite of insecurity (F)rustration and (F)ear, with an (I)ntention to strengthen myself in THIS generation. (C) ourageously and consistently I pursue my Quest. My Quest is to glean wisdom from the past, live mindfully in the present and prepare confidently for the future. As I strengthen myself, I strengthen my entire FAMILY TREE for generations to come through the power of my positive influence. Learn more about JOURNALriffic at http://www.familytreequest.com/what_is_journalriffic

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekly Principles Coming in February!

Watch for the Principle of the Week coming some time in February. Our goal is to work weekly on a universal principle of personal growth using the JOURNALriffic Method (or you may choose a principle of your choice). These principles will help us live mindfully in the present (one of the goals of those on a Family Tree Quest). We will strengthen our lives in this generation as we overcome negative or destructive behaviors. Keep watching for the new posts.