Turning Pain Into Purpose

Your JOURNALriffic Statement of Purpose

I will write in my journal daily because I am (R)eady to grow (I)n spite of insecurity (F)rustration and (F)ear, with an (I)ntention to strengthen myself in THIS generation. (C) ourageously and consistently I pursue my Quest. My Quest is to glean wisdom from the past, live mindfully in the present and prepare confidently for the future. As I strengthen myself, I strengthen my entire FAMILY TREE for generations to come through the power of my positive influence. Learn more about JOURNALriffic at http://www.familytreequest.com/what_is_journalriffic

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For Now

I have been busy developing concepts on my other blogs lately and writing for Examiner.com . If you’re curious, check out www.familytreegal.blogspot.com and www.familytreequest.wordpress.com. I am the Phoenix Genealogy Examiner. You can find my articles by clicking here. You can also join me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/familytreegal) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/familytreegal)

I will be back at work on this site as soon as time permits. In the meantime, use the blog posts on Peace and Compassion to give you an idea of what to do, and select some principles to work on that you know would benefit you right now.

A list of helpful principles to guide you in your personal growth can be found at http://familytreequest.com/principles .

To use detailed steps from the JOURNALriffic Method (The 4 Steps to Discovery), follow the Daily Journal Jog promts which are found at http://familytreequest.com/journalriffic_jogs.

To review JOURNALriffic and the JOURNALriffic Method visit http://www.familytreequest.com/journalriffic_and_method_learn_more

Take care,
Family Tree Gal, carolyn

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Compassion Continued

This week, we will continue working on the quality of COMPASSION.

Happy Journaling!