Turning Pain Into Purpose

Your JOURNALriffic Statement of Purpose

I will write in my journal daily because I am (R)eady to grow (I)n spite of insecurity (F)rustration and (F)ear, with an (I)ntention to strengthen myself in THIS generation. (C) ourageously and consistently I pursue my Quest. My Quest is to glean wisdom from the past, live mindfully in the present and prepare confidently for the future. As I strengthen myself, I strengthen my entire FAMILY TREE for generations to come through the power of my positive influence. Learn more about JOURNALriffic at http://www.familytreequest.com/what_is_journalriffic

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thoughts on PEACE

These Thoughts on PEACE
go along with our Mindful Monday topic.

Ralph Waldo Emerson declared, “Nothing can bring you peace but a triumph of principles.”
(“Self-Reliance,” in Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essays and Lectures, New York: The Library of America, 1983, p. 282.)

I hope the following thoughts by Marvin Ashton about peace

stimulate some thoughts of your own.

Peace must be a triumph of principles. Selfishness and lack of patience seem to block the way. . .

Peace—not passion, not personal possessions, not personal accomplishments nor happiness—

is one of the greatest blessings a man can receive.

Certainly peace is the opposite of fear.

No man can be at peace who is untrue to his better self.

No man can have lasting peace who is living a lie.

It is not a written document. It is something that must come from within.

Never will peace and hatred be able to abide in the same soul. . . .

Lasting peace cannot be built while we are reviling or hating others.

Peace is not a purchase away. Peace is not when the final installment is paid. Peace is not when marriage comes nor when all the children are enrolled in school. . . . Peace is not when an inheritance is received. Peace is not when the scars of death start to heal. True peace must not be dependent upon conditions or happenings. Peace must stem from an inward contentment built upon trust, faith, and goodwill toward God, fellowmen, and self.

Peace comes to those who develop character and trust.

We learned that peace can never be achieved when we deal with those who deceive . . .

At such times, external events make it even more imperative that we seek peace within ourselves. It is futile to seek it from outward sources.

When we properly blend into our lives true principles of love, honesty, respect, character, faith, and patience, peace will become our priceless possession. Peace is a triumph of correct principles.
Marvin J. Ashton, “Peace—A Triumph of Principles,” Ensign, Nov 1985, 69
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